Policies and procedures

The policy and procedural framework of the National Commission.

Our commitment to integrity and transparency

The National Commission serves the public and the profession by providing transparent and objective review of the recognized dental specialty sponsoring organizations, the recognized certifying boards, potential applicants for specialty recognition and the National Commission’s communities of interest. As such, the National Commission publishes its Policy and Procedure Manual that contains background information on the creation of the National Commission, including specialty recognition actions taken by the American Dental Association prior to the creation of the National Commission.

The National Commission expects that all organizations and individuals bringing business in front of the National Commission will act with integrity and decorum, maintain confidentiality and demonstrate honesty and integrity at all times.

In the Policy and Procedure Manual, dates following policies refer to the dates of the National Commission action to adopt, revise or reaffirm said policy.

View Policy and Procedure Manual (PDF)

Recognition Status Definitions for Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards

Recognition: A recognition classification granted to a sponsoring organization or certifying board indicating that both the sponsoring organization and certifying board have achieved recognition and continue to meet the Requirements for Recognition of Dental Specialties and National Certifying Boards for Dental Specialists and the National Commissions policies.

Recognition with reporting requirements: A recognition classification granted to organizations indicating that specific deficiencies or weaknesses exist in one or more of the Requirements for Recognition of Dental Specialties and National Certifying Boards for Dental Specialists and/or the National Commissions policies. Evidence of compliance must be demonstrated within a timeframe not to exceed twelve (12) months. If the deficiencies are not corrected within the specified time period, the recognition status will change to intent to withdraw and will finally be withdrawn. While the recognized organization may not have fully achieved compliance, if the Board of Commissioners determines that progress is being made the Commission has the discretion to extend the period for achieving compliance for good cause and may grant a continued status of Recognition, with reporting requirements. Identification of new deficiencies during the reporting time period will not result in a modification of the specified deadline for compliance with prior deficiencies.

Initial Recognition: A recognition classification granted to any sponsoring organization which has not yet had a certifying board with a close working relationship recognized by the National Commission. This recognition classification provides evidence that, at the time of granting specialty recognition, it the expectation of the National Commission that an application for recognition will be submitted by a certifying board that has a close working relationship with the sponsoring organization within one (1) year of the sponsoring organizations’ recognition.

Discontinued: An action taken by the National Commission to affirm a sponsoring organization or certifying boards reported discontinuance of participation in the National Commission’s recognition program.

Recognition with reporting requirements, intent to withdraw: A formal warning issued by the National Commission to notify a recognized sponsoring organization or certifying board and the communities of interest that the organization’s recognition will be withdrawn within six (6) months if compliance with Requirements for Recognition of Dental Specialties and National Certifying Boards for Dental Specialists or National Commission policies cannot be demonstrated by a specified date. The warning is usually for a six-month period. While the recognized organization may not have fully achieved compliance, if the Board of Commissioners determines that progress is being made the Commission has the discretion to extend the period for achieving compliance for good cause and may grant a continued status of Recognition, with reporting requirements, intent to withdraw. The National Commission reserves the right to require a period of non-testing for certifying boards that have been issued the Intent to Withdraw warning.

Withdraw: An action taken by the National Commission when a sponsoring organization or certifying board has been unable to demonstrate compliance with the Requirements for Recognition of Dental Specialties and National Certifying Boards for Dental Specialists or policies within the time period specified. A final action to withdraw recognition is communicated to the organization and announced to the communities of interest. A statement summarizing the reasons for the National Commission’s decision and comments, if any, that the affected organization has made with regard to this decision, is available upon request from the National Commission office. Upon withdrawal of recognition by the National Commission, the organization is no longer recognized by the National Commission. Withdrawal of recognition is considered an adverse action.

Denial: An action taken by the National Commission that denies recognition to a sponsoring organization or certifying board that has applied for recognition based on the Requirements for Recognition of Dental Specialties and National Certifying Boards for Dental Specialists. Reasons for the denial is provided to the applicant organization. Denial of recognition is considered an adverse action.

Core policies


Certain materials generated and received by the National Commission are confidential and must not be improperly disclosed. The National Commission’s confidentiality policy applies to the National Commission Board of Commissioners, the Review and Standing Committees and the Appeal Board. Confidential materials are maintained to ensure the integrity of the specialty recognition process, and may be shared by the National Commission in instances related to responding to state or federal legal requirements, as appropriate. Confidentiality applies without limitation to the following:

  • Specialty recognition applications
  • Protected Health Information (PHI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  • Surveys
  • Meeting materials and discussions
  • Meetings

Additionally, confidentiality applies without limitation to the information contained in the policy on confidentiality.

View full confidentiality policy (PDF)


The National Commission expects that integrity and decorum be exhibited by all organizations and individuals throughout the recognition process and maintenance of recognition. It is expected that any individual or organization bringing business in front of the National Commission demonstrate(s) honesty and integrity at all times. Specifically, interested parties must refrain from engaging in making disparaging or unprofessional comments about other organizations or individuals. By seeking recognition and/or maintaining recognition, all organizations agree to comply with National Commission requirements, policies, guidelines, Requirements for Recognition, decisions and requests.

View full integrity policy (PDF)

Periodic review

The National Commission will conduct periodic reviews of dental specialty education and practice at ten-year intervals. The periodic review will aid the National Commission in gathering strategic information that will be of value to the National Commission, the profession and the public. The review focuses on the current environment; changes occurring with the specialty education and practice environments (e.g., disease trends, technology, scope of practice, program enrollments); potential trends for the future; and ways these may impact the public and the profession).

View full policy on periodic review (PDF)

Requests for change in name, definition or scope of practice

When a recognized dental specialty wishes to change any or all of its name, definition and or scope of practice, the recognized specialty sponsoring organization and associated recognized certifying board must submit a written request to the National Commission. The request will be considered by the Review Committee on Specialty Recognition with a final recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. A fee will be associated with the application. Prior to any final decision, the National Commission reserves the right to solicit a 60-day public comment period on any requested changes for the benefit and protection of the public and the other recognized dental specialties. For information on fees, please contact the National Commission.

View full policy on requests for change in name, definition or scope of practice (PDF)

Request fee information

Withdrawal of recognition

Based on the Rules and authority granted to the National Commission, the National Commission Board of Commissioners has the authority to withdraw specialty recognition from any sponsoring organization or certifying board recognized by the National Commission that fails to comply with the Requirements for Recognition of Dental Specialties and National Certifying Boards for Dental Specialists, or policies of the National Commission.

View full policy on withdrawal of recognition (PDF)

Voluntary withdrawal of recognition

The National Commission becomes aware of a recognized organization's decision to voluntarily discontinue its recognition with the National Commission when it receives official notification from the recognized specialty sponsoring organization and/or certifying board’s executive director.

Because voluntary discontinuance of recognition, specifically of a sponsoring organization, has an impact on the composition of the Board of Commissioners as outlined in the National Commission rules, the discontinuance of recognition will become effective at the close of the American Dental Association’s House of Delegates meeting in the ensuing year. Voluntary discontinuance of a recognized certifying board will become effective on the date determined by the certifying board, with final approval by the Board of Commissioners.

View full policy on voluntary withdrawal of recognition (PDF)